Thursday, July 1, 2010

7dpiui #1; 6dpiui #2 ~ 5 more days to go!

I'm still having a postive outlook on this. Yesterday I was  making several trips to the restroom...probably once every hour to hour and half. I am not sure if it's an early symptom or not, but I can assure you that it is not normal for me to go that often. I can also assure you that I didn't have a lot of fluids yesterday. It was also actually pretty sweet last little Savannah (my malti-poo) was wanting to lay on my tummy last night while I was laying in bed watching TV. She normally doesn't do that either, because she feels like she is being held down (even when I'm not touching her). They say that animals have a keen sense about women being pregnant, so I don't know about that either. You tell me. All of these things are keeping me quite positive. It's hard to believe that I am over half way through my waiting period. It's going to be a busy weekend with the 4th of July holiday, so that will be good.

I'll keep you updated with any other changes or symptoms.


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